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To Be or Not to Be… or 5 Tips to Make the Right Choice

How to make the right choice, right decision
Sharing is CARING ♥♥♥ ↓↓↓

Last Updated on April 15, 2020 by Iryna

We face choices on a daily basis, trying the Shakespear’s character Hamlet shoes on and repeating the widely known phrase in our minds: “To Be or Not to Be?” But how to make the right choice? How to choose the best option for us so there are no regrets afterward?

I know, it’s not easy. Especially if you need to make big decisions like moving to another country, buying or selling a house, accepting a job offer, tieing your fate with another person. But even choosing the right outfit for the day sometimes takes like forever. Right, ladies? *wing-wing*

Here are a few tips on how to make the right choice in your life. I regularly use those methods, and they make my decision-making process much smoother.

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Wait till Morning

How to make the right choice, right decision

Back home, in Ukraine, we have such a proverb: “The morning is wiser than the evening”. It means better to wait till morning to make decisions. And I agree with it 100%.

Let’s review this strategy on how to make the right choice from the physiological aspect of our body. Usually, we are tired in the evening after the busy day at work or at home with the family. When we are tired our brain is tired too. It needs some rest from the noise and tasks he experienced the whole day.

So after a refreshing sleep, it’s easier for our brain to work and make the right choice. No wonder famous prosperous people like Timothy Ferriss, author of “The 4-Hour Workweek”, advise to work on the most important tasks in the morning.

That’s the most productive time for our brains. If your big decision can wait, better to make the choice in the morning.

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Compare Pros and Cons

How to make the right choice, right decision

This is an old and very practical method to make the decision. Just take a pen and a piece of paper and write down all the logical pros and cons of your decisions. How do you think they will affect you and other people, like your family? What will be the consequences if you make or not make this choice?

After you’ve mentioned everything, summarize which one has more pros points. What pros and cons points are more important for you and outweigh the others? Analyze your results and make a conclusion on the best choice.

But sometimes, even when the choice has more benefits and seems more rational, you have a gut feeling it will not work for you. Or you may get an equal amount of pros points for both. What to do in this situation? Then you can use my other three methods below on making the right choice.

Look at the Signs

How to make the right choice, right decision

When we are more aware of our life, our actions, our surroundings, we may start noticing some signs that the Universe provides to us (aka small hints). You may just wave them away, or do the opposite – listen to them and incorporate them into your decision-making practice.

I remember we went through the immigration process to Canada and waited for the response from the embassy on our case. It felt like forever, months and months of waiting. Then one day on vacation we see a girl playing tennis with the wrist sweatband and letters “Toronto” on it. Another time we saw a Canadian flag somewhere.

At that time I was reading a book about the signs, Universe, our decisions. And I was paying attention to those things. Shortly after that we finally received immigration documents and a green light to move to Canada. And in the end, we ended up in Toronto (without even planning to go there in the first place).

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How to make the right choice, right decision

I can’t stress enough the importance of meditation in my life. That’s the tool that helped me to withstand the stressful working environment in the past to the point that my manager provided the feedback that I handled stress very well. Meditation is my main instrument in making decisions on a daily basis.

When I sit down in a quiet place, relax and let the energy flow, I start getting some thoughts in my mind as solutions to some issues, some reminders about things to do, or some great ideas. Once you are relaxed, it’s easier to find the solution and answer and make the perfect choice in the current situation.

Now, if you don’t have the opportunity to sit and meditate at the moment, just try finding a quiet place. Breathe in and breathe out to calm down. Then concentrate on each option that you have and see how it makes you feel.

For example, if you make choice A, how will you feel, are you happy inside? Now do the same with your other option. Is there a difference? Which one do you think is better? I usually feel like something dark or grey surrounds me once the choice is not the best for me. I remember I was choosing between two job offers, and that’s the feeling I would get for one of them.

That’s being said, the more you practice meditation, the easier it will be for you to tune in your internal voice. I meditate every morning, even if it’s 5 mins a day, and it makes a huge difference in my day.


How to make the right decision

Another great technique to make the right choice is to visualize. I’ve already mentioned this method in my post on how to avoid unemployment depression. Again, this technique requires a quiet place and some concentration from you.

Once relaxed, try to visualize, one by one, your choices. How do you feel if you make this choice? What do you see around? How your life changes after you make this choice? Try to concentrate on the details. It may not be easy at the very beginning as it requires some effort from you for sure, but keep practicing and keep trying.

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Visualization is also a great technique if you want to reach some goal in your life.


Here are 5 tips on how to make the right choice:

  • Wait till morning
  • Compare the pros and cons
  • Be conscious about your life and pay attention to signs
  • Meditate
  • Visualize


Now, it’s your time to share the methods you use to make the right choices. Share in the comments below ↓↓↓


P.S. All the images in this post are from pixabay.


How to make the right choice, right decision in life

How to make the right choice, right decision in life
Sharing is CARING ♥♥♥ ↓↓↓


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