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Random Acts of Kindness Will Save the World

Random Acts of Kindness, Inspiration, Real Life Stories
Sharing is CARING ♥♥♥ ↓↓↓

Last Updated on April 8, 2020 by Iryna

Have you witnessed any random acts of kindness in your life? Did you happen to be the one who does them occasionally or on a regular basis? I personally think those acts of humanity, altruistic and unselfish actions from the bottom of the heart, will save our humankind from the callousness of soul, lack of hope, and absence of faith in miracles. Literally, random acts of kindness will save the world!

This year I’ve experienced a random act of kindness in Cozumel.

Those people, performing random acts of kindness out of the soulful impulse, set a higher standard for humanity. I personally admire such people. Quick decision making in the fast-paced situation is not my strength. I need time to think, analyze, moving unhasty in the decision-making process, and then act accordingly.

That’s why I deeply respect people that have kindness as second nature. Occasionally, I do some small things like picking up garbage, or helping others if I see a need, but nothing extraordinary that could be compared to the random act of kindness I’ve witnessed in Cozumel.

When you see something like this happening around you, it makes an impact, small or big, on your emotional memory. Also, it provides you an example of possible behavior in similar situations, where you could choose kindness and offer help instead of just passing by indifferently.

I wish we had more people around us that could set an example of humanity. Those that could be teachers in various scenarios that life tosses us to test the cohesiveness of our aspirations.

But first, from the very beginning…

It was a stop at Cozumel, Mexico for our cruise ship. We packed everything needed for the day – swimsuits, money, documents, water, and sunscreen – and left the ship for the anticipated family adventure on the island. After some walking around, we were able to rent a car to drive around Cozumel to enjoy the scenery, beaches, and landmarks.

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You can find different types of transportation on the island, with the motorcycles being the most popular ones. But since it was REALLY hot that day, we decided that car was a better option.

The first stop was at Le Citadel – a small church with local shops and a few Mayan ruins around. We’ve been there before during the previous trips but decided to stop anyway. Churches and cathedrals are something we as a family like to experience.

Random Acts of Kindness, Inspiration, Real Life Stories

Inside Le Citadel

Random Acts of Kindness, Inspiration, Real Life Stories

Mayan Ruins

After spending some time inside, feeling the energy of the old, but a very comfortable church, we went outside to look at the ruins, nature, and decorations. It was hot and sunny, cause it’s Mexico!

Always look around!

I’ve looked around but didn’t see lots of tourists, mostly locals. Mexicans were selling their hand made stuff. You can find a lot of crafted souvenirs with Mayan generation in mind at the local shops. No wonder, Mayans left amazing footprints in the area for Mexicans to be proud of – astonishing Mayan ruins! – Chichen Itza and Tulum to name a few.

However, my attention was grabbed by two girls, walking around anxiously, like they were looking for something. They had tags around their necks, those that you get at the cruise ship. So those girls were also cruising passengers, spending their cruise stop at Le Citadel church, same as us.

My focus switched to the local arts, displayed at the marketplace, and the Mayan statue near the church. Mexican art is colorful, bright, warm and sunny. If you buy something there, you can literally say you are bringing a piece of the Mexican sun.

The Mayan statue was a fertility God according to the local guy. I looked at her continuously, with admiration, asking silently in my mind to help all my friends in need of her condescension. Fingers crossed that worked!

Random Acts of Kindness, Inspiration, Real Life Stories

Mayan Statue of Fertility God

Unexpected Act of Kindness

The next thing I saw was those two girls from the cruise. One of them was kneeling near a small stray dog laying down under the sun without moving. The girl was petting her and asking a local person something about a vet hospital, where it was located and if it was opened at that time. When I passed by them, I saw that dog had some small but visible wound and probably needed medical help.

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There are lots of stray dogs in Mexico, like in Ukraine where I used to live. They roam on the streets freely. People in Mexico probably feed them but may not have the means to take care of the stray dogs by bringing them to the vet. They get used to seeing the stray animals everywhere, not like tourists from the countries where all the dogs live at homes and taken care of.

One of the girls picked up the small black and white dog carefully, continually repeating to the locals she would bring it to the vet. Together with her friend, she headed to their car, probably also rented. My husband opened a car door for her and asked if they needed help in locating a veterinary clinic.  As they’ve figured it out, he cheered them up on their awesome act of kindness and wished good luck.

Kudos to the girls!

We’ve continued our travel around Cozumel, exploring landscapes of this beautiful island. But I couldn’t stop thinking about those two girls with the dog. Instead of spending their vacation and free cruise time exploring Mexico and swimming in the ocean, they’ve dedicated it to save a stray dog!

Do you think you could do such a random act of kindness – leave your interests behind, and concentrate on things that matter for another creature? Do you think you could sacrifice your vacation time for someone in need?

Too bad I haven’t asked the names of the girls or snapped a picture of those heroes… But if that was you, and you are reading this post now, KUDOS to you, guys! I will always remember the lesson you’ve taught me in Cozumel.

Have you witnessed any acts of kindness worth sharing? Feel free to comment, I want to know about them. I am sure EVERYONE wants to know about them! Let’s get inspired to become a better version of ourselves.

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Random Acts of Kindness, Real Life Stories, Inspiration

Sharing is CARING ♥♥♥ ↓↓↓


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