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6 Weeks Abs Challenge Results

6 Weeks Abs Challenge Results | Fitness challenge | Facebook contest |
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Last Updated on April 8, 2020 by Iryna

This summer I did 6 weeks abs challenge. Honestly, I think the timing for the challenge was not the perfect one – some people were on vacation with family, traveling, some were too relaxed, enjoying the warm days, and they didn’t feel motivated to join.

Even offering a prize of $50CAD value didn’t help much 🙂

But I couldn’t wait any longer! I knew I had to work on my abs, and I knew the best way to do it would be to create this challenge through my blog and participate with other people to keep myself motivated as well.

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The idea of this abs challenge was to pick 2 youtube videos per week of approximately 15 mins long each and to rotate them for 6 days. I was trying to choose the variety of workouts, including yoga, standing abs, dancing…

It doesn’t need to be boring doing your abs, it should be fun! And it was fun for me. Thanks to the challenge, for example, I’ve learned some standing abs exercises I could do even during the car stop along our road trip.

And the best reward of this abs challenge was to motivate the whole family to join my abs workouts. We even had a contest with my daughter on who was going to hold the plank for the longest time 🙂

6 Weeks Abs Challenge Recap

If you’ve missed the challenge but would like to do it at your preferred time frame, you can go back to the detailed instructions, either find by yourself workout videos or use those I’ve listed below.

Another option is to sign up for my free auto newsletters, where you would get e-mails with links to the videos and cheer up messages every week directly to your e-mail.

Subscribe to FREE 6 Weeks Abs Challenge

Before you start I recommend taking pictures of your abs from the front and side for comparing. You can do them every Monday morning, to see the weekly progress. Also, measurements like your waistline and weight can be a good idea.

RELATED  How to Get Six-Pack Abs

You will compare your results at the very end of the challenge. And numbers and before/after photos will be the best evidence of your efforts!

Week 1

Shall we start?

10 mins Abs by FitnessBlender

15 mins Standing Abs by HASfit

The first video is actually 10 mins workout, but the exercises are really good! I’ve done this video before and really liked it.
The second video is the stand-up workout for abs. I love that the whole body is involved, and that’s actually a more effective approach to get six-pack abs.

Week 2

It’s getting more challenging! You will feel the difference once moving through the week. The more you train those abs muscles, the easier it becomes for you to workout.

15 mins Intense Six Pack Ab Workout by HASfit

10 mins Kickboxing Abs by Jessica Smith

Extra: if you still have the energy at the end of workouts, try plank exercise. Use the stopwatch to track your progress.

Week 3

Can you believe it’s almost half of the challenge already?

This week my first video is from Denise Austin, an American fitness expert with 30 years of experience in this field. The second video is a yoga abs workout.

15 mins Abs Workout for Weight Loss by Denise Austin

13 mins Yoga Workout for Abs & Core

Extra: you can continue doing the plank, plus try learning how to do a belly roll in belly dancing with this video.

I loved my belly dance classes years ago. They are really good for your abs muscles and internal organs.

Week 4

The first half of the challenge is done. There are another 3 exciting weeks ahead.

You may already see the difference, or maybe just feel differently, more strong and confident. Or maybe you’ve got motivated by this challenge and started running or doing other fitness activities, which is also great. Every small step counts!

This week I’ve decided to include abs boot camp workout. I really like the set of exercises in this video. The second one is a dancing abs workout. It’s an old video but has great moves to increase the elasticity of the abdominal area.

RELATED  6 Weeks Abs Challenge

15 mins Abs Boot Camp Workout by FitnessBlender

10 mins Zumba Dance Abs Workout

Extra: try this abs workout for dancers. It looks really challenging and hard, good for those girls to be able to do it!

Week 5

Two more weeks left, almost there!

I find that previous week I’ve got a little…lazy 😳
I’ve got great results from the previous 3 weeks, felt nice and… relaxed…
Maybe it was a mid-challenge crisis? similar to the mid-age crisis? I am not sure.

But I know it’s not easy to develop a new habit, something like doing abs on a regular basis. It takes time, persistence, energy…

Here are workouts I’ve picked for this week:

15 mins Plank, Core, Tabata Workout

10 mins Abs & Core Yoga Workout

Extra: too easy for you? Add this 3 mins plank workout.

Week 6

Can you believe it’s already the last week of the challenge?
Time flies by, isn’t it? Especially when you have fun!

This week includes some advanced abs workouts to test your strength. HIIT (high-intensity interval training) is great to boost your metabolism, it combines intense exercise with breaks.

15 mins HIIT workout by FitnessBlender

15 mins Intense Six Pack Abs Workout by HASFit

There is no extra workout for this week, the main workouts were pretty intense. BUT you can always add your favorite videos from the previous weeks.

Your 6 weeks abs challenge is done! You did it!
Anchored Theme

What’s next?

I personally think that’s a good habit to do abs on a daily basis. 10-15 mins workout per day is doable. I was feeling great and more confident in my midsection and the whole body.

You can either go back to week 1 and start doing everything from the beginning or do only those videos you liked the most. But consistency is the key to getting six-pack abs.

6 Weeks Abs Challenge Results

Here are my modest results of the challenge. I know, it’s a bit hard to see the big difference in those pictures.

6 Weeks Abs Challenge Results | Before, After images | Fitness contest |

However, after the abs challenge, I felt there was more room in my clothes in the waistline area. I also was feeling more confident wearing my 2-piece swimming suit, as my belly was not hanging down.

Even though I did miss a few days of the 6 weeks abs challenge due to a road trip, I still saw the results.

RELATED  Mono Diet For Weight Loss - 6 Petals Diet

I am thankful to those who joined the abs challenge on my Facebook page. You motivated me to keep going! I felt more responsible and dedicated.

As promised, the person who engaged the most, got this appreciation gift from me of value approximately $50CAD – home-made (by myself :)) soap and bath bombs and $25CAD gift card.

6 weeks Abs Challenge Prize - Homemade Soap, Bath Bombs | Fitness contest | Facebook contest |

As Jennifer, abs challenge champion, lives close by, we had a chance to meet in person for the award presentation.

It was a great and very informative chat! Turned out Jennifer is a Spiritual Mentor and Intuitive Teacher!

How lucky I was to have her on my challenge!

And here is the confirmation of the official ceremony…

6 Weeks Abs Challenge Contest Winner | Facebook Contest | Fitness Contest |

That’s another reason why I am thankful to myself for creating this blog.

I had an opportunity to work on my abs AND at the same time to meet an awesome person!

If you’ve missed the 6 weeks abs challenge – no problem.

Just sign up below to receive free automated emails each week with instructions, links to the videos, and cheer up messages.


Subscribe to FREE 6 Weeks Abs Challenge

When do you think is a great time for the fitness challenge?
Have you participated in other challenges before?
What was your experience/results?
As always, I like reading your comments and feedback 🙂


6 weeks abs challenge was created by Iryna, a blogger behind Mindful Points (mindfulpoints  {dot} com).
Iryna doesn’t have a medical degree nor experience in the medical field. All the information provided regarding 6 weeks abs challenge is based on her personal experience and knowledge.
Iryna is not liable for any errors or omissions in the information on mindfulpoints {dot} com. Iryna is not liable for any losses, injuries, or damages from the display or use of this information, results different from her own or any other consequences. Readers are responsible for their own actions and interpretation of the information in their own way. Every person is different, what works for one person may not work for another one.
6 Weeks Abs Challenge Results | Before, After images | Fitness contest | Facebook contest |
Sharing is CARING ♥♥♥ ↓↓↓


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  • Jennifer

    Thanks for creating the challenge! It was fun to do and I was happy with the end results. I love the video suggestions you made and I still use some of the videos in my regular exercise routine 🙂

    If you’re considering playing with the Abs Challenge, I encourage you to say yes! It’s nice knowing you are focusing on your health with others and Iryna is so encouraging 🙂

    • Iryna

      Thanks for your feedback, Jennifer!
      I am glad to hear you continue abs workouts on a regular basis.
      That’s the best reward for me – to see the positive changes in someone’s life 🙂

  • Tren

    This is perfect. My bday is in January. And I have already gotten back on track.

    • Iryna

      Good for you, Tren! I hope you’ll find some useful workouts in this post. Feel free to sign up for automated emails with workouts as well 🙂

  • Val Cline

    Aaaah I love this post! What a great idea for a challenge -this is so creative, practical and helpful. It looks like you had lots of fun doing it and I love the results you got! In just 6-weeks you got some good definition. I can see how doing it with others or your family is a nice motivator too.
    I’m already doing my own fitness regimen at the moment but I look forward to reading more of your posts 🙂

    • Iryna

      Thank you. It was fun for sure! I actually think I need to go back to the daily abs workouts and develop it as a habit, daily routine. I felt so good doing workouts every day! Would you mind sharing what fitness activity do you do, please? Is it on a daily basis? I am always looking for the inspiration and ideas 🙂 Thanks.

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