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6 Weeks Abs Challenge

6 Weeks Abs Challenge
Sharing is CARING ♥♥♥ ↓↓↓

Last Updated on April 8, 2020 by Iryna

Summer is here, it’s time for your body and soul to breathe and glow!

It’s been a long time since I wanted to do this abs challenge. No, that way – looooong time. .. My abs are screaming for attention, especially that now, in the summer, they are more visible and can’t be hidden under the loose clothes…

Abs are usually the area people overlook and don’t pay enough attention to. You see guys in the gym doing weight lifting for biceps, or girls running and walking on the step machine, but not very often you see people taking care of their middle section of the body, including myself as well.

My goal is to concentrate on abs and see what results are possible to achieve after 6 weeks of training. I just want my abs to have a little better shape, and to include abs routine in my daily life.

This is my first time doing it, so I don’t have any encouraging pictures for you with “before” and “after” images.

BUT I’ll have a special prize (value of approximately $50CAD) for the person who will show the most dedication, encouragement of others, communication on my Facebook page and great results of the challenge.

This post contains affiliate links, which means if you make a purchase, I will receive a small commission at no extra cost to you. For more information, please see my terms of use.

When Is The Abs Challenge

Starting next week, July 23rd, for 6 weeks, 6 days a week (Sunday is for resting), till September 1st.

I’ve created an event on my Facebook page so it’s easy for you to follow.

Also, I encourage you to follow my Facebook page and to invite your friends on Facebook to do the challenge together, to motivate each other. It’s always fun to achieve results with your friends.

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If you’ve missed the challenge, but would like to join in, you can always sign up below for the automated emails with the detailed instructions, videos for the week and cheer up messages. Good luck! 🙂

Subscribe to FREE 6 Weeks Abs Challenge

What You Need

All you need is around 15 mins a day to exercise, and time to make weekly pictures (front and side) first thing on Monday morning after you visit the bathroom. Pictures are our best proof of the result, for ourselves, first of all.

Also, please make your waistline measurements on the first and last day of the abs challenge.

You’ll need to pick 2 youtube videos with abs workout per week and rotate them. If you don’t have time for this, join my event on Facebook where I am going to share the videos I’ve picked for each week.

The idea of using the same workouts for the week is to train those muscles involved, and for you to memorize the exercise. So when you are on vacation or in the gym next time, you could reproduce them with ease.

The idea of rotation is to involve different muscles.

There are plenty of videos on youtube, there is no need for me to create my own video, especially that I don’t have the necessary qualification (not counting my Zumba instructor training).

My job is to challenge and encourage, and to achieve results, of course.

I also suggest you make notes about what you were doing aside of abs exercise every week – other types of exercise, special diet or body wraps – to see the progress and to analyze what worked for you.

RELATED  6 Weeks Abs Challenge Results

Who Will Receive The Special Prize

The best prize is, of course, the result you will get at the end of this abs challenge, and possibly the habit of consistent abs workouts you will develop.

As a small encouragement and motivation, I’ve prepared a special prize as well (approximately $50CAD value).

To get the special prize from Mindful Points you will need to do the following:
like Mindful Points Facebook page
share the Facebook Facebook event on your timeline
invite at least one friend to take this challenge with you (which is more fun)
post regular discussions, encouragements, comments, share your results and ideas etc. on the Facebook event page
share your before/after pictures on Sunday, September 2nd on the Facebook event page and the numbers of your waistline (of the first and last day of the challenge)

Why Is The Abs Challenge So Long

According to a study in 2009 by a team at the University College London, the average time to develop a habit is 66 days, and not 21 as it was believed before.

However, for 96 participants in this study, it took from 18 to 254 days to form some type of habit, depending on the type of habit and person as well.

I believe 36 days (6 weeks with 6 days per week) is more than the old number, and a little closer to the recently researched number. Hopefully, it will be enough for you to develop it in a habit.

Will I Get 6-pack Abs After The Challenge

There is definitely a possibility to achieve such a result. But, in order to get 6-pack abs, just doing abs exercise is not enough.

You will need to watch your diet, do aerobic exercise and/or HIIT, drink plenty of water and go to bed before midnight, as was discussed in my previous blog post.

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This abs challenge will help you to get improved posture, strong torso, and as a result, decreased low back pain and reduced risk of back injury.

I am excited to start this abs challenge myself, to see how far I can go, and to see your results and achievements.

Please join my Facebook event for the links to weekly videos, words of encouragement and support, competitive spirit and motivation.

And, of course, to receive a special prize from me (approximately $50CAD value) for the achieved result, dedication, encouragement of others and engagement on my Facebook page.

You can always sign up for automated emails with workouts to have 6 weeks abs challenge at your own convenient time.

Subscribe to FREE 6 Weeks Abs Challenge

Good luck! 🙂


6 weeks abs challenge was created by Iryna, a blogger behind Mindful Points (mindfulpoints  {dot} com).
Iryna doesn’t have a medical degree nor experience in the medical field. All the information provided regarding 6 weeks abs challenge is based on her personal experience and knowledge.
Iryna is not liable for any errors or omissions in the information on mindfulpoints {dot} com. Iryna is not liable for any losses, injuries, or damages from the display or use of this information, results different from her own or any other consequences. Readers are responsible for their own actions and interpretation of the information in their own way. Every person is different, what works for one person may not work for another one.
Sharing is CARING ♥♥♥ ↓↓↓


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  • Jennifer

    Thanks for creating this challenge! I’m looking forward to having beautiful abs <3

    • Iryna

      You are welcome, Jennifer! I am glad you’ve joined it. Have fun!

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