Last Updated on May 12, 2020 by Iryna
When the decision was made about bringing a kitten home, I was totally lost as a first-time cat owner. I did have pets as a child, including cats, but that was totally different.
First of all, back home we would feed our cats with milk and other food we were eating ourselves. That’s a different story nowadays with the restrictive diet and special food produced specifically for pets. No milk allowed for cats, by the way, in case you didn’t know.
Second, I didn’t hold that level of responsibility. As a child, I was playing with my cat, doing some cleaning or bringing it to a vet, but my parents were the ones responsible for its well being. And now I’ve stepped in their shoes by allowing our daughter to have a pet friend.
Getting a pet is like having another baby – exciting and scary at the same time. You are getting ready for your furry bundle of joy thoroughly and reverently, afraid of missing any detail…
But no worries, I am with you! I’ll happily share my recent experience in preparing for a little Siberian kitten Lilly.
My first-time cat owner checklist was modified as needed. It includes essential supplies you need for having a cat for the first time, plus my recommendations from personal experience and advice from our breeder. I’ve also included a free printable shopping list at the end of the post for your convenience.
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Pet Carrier
That’s the first thing you will need for bringing a kitten home either from the humane society after adoption or a breeder – a carrier. In the future, you will also need the carrier for vet visits or other pet transportation.
We did take Lilly on a car road trip once, in the hope that she will be a part of our family adventures in the future (some cats don’t mind traveling). But then figured out it was not a great idea since she was running around in the hotel room during the night 🙂
There are 2 types of pet carriers: made from hard plastic or soft fabric. The hard carrier is more secure as it offers protection, plus it’s easier to get the cat out of it by just opening the top part.
Fabric carrier is soft with cushion provided and also convenient as you can carry it as a bag on your shoulder.
I personally use and love this soft fabric carrier. It has mesh areas for the cat to breathe and sneak peek outside.
My carrier comes with the cushioned bottom, but if your carrier doesn’t include any blankets or cushioned inserts, get some small blanket to keep your cat warm and cozy.
Pet Food Bowls and Feeders
The best type of cat’s food bowls are those made of glass, ceramic or stainless steel. Stainless steel type is the most practical cat food bowl as it’s non-breakable. If the bowls are painted inside, make sure to check that the type of paint is non-toxic. You don’t need to get a big size of the bowls for your cat.
I’ve got 3 stainless steel bowls for Lilly. One is for dry food, another one – for wet food, and the last one – for water. If you feed your cat once a day, then you’ll probably need only two bowls. We keep dry food available for her throughout the day, so the third bowl is necessary in our case.
Another practical and useful thing to have in your cat’s feeding area is the non-slip food mat. It will help to have the food bowls in one place and not moving around the kitchen, plus protect your floor from the mess. If we get some water spills or crumbs from the dry food – they all go to the food mat and can be easily cleaned up.
Make sure to clean your cat’s eating area on a regular basis. Check that there is always enough clean water for them to use after having dry food.
Cat Food
There is a huge variety of cat food offered in pet stores. It can be hard for the first time cat owner like you to choose! Make research or check with your breeder/pet shelter or vet. Look for the one that supports your pet’s health, age, fits his/her taste, and your budget.
Usually, a cat’s diet consists of the dry kibbles on a daily basis and wet canned food either once or twice a day. As per our breeder advice, we have Performatrin Ultra or Orijen dry food available for Lilly during the day and 1 tbsp of this wet food every day.
You will also need a silicone cover for the can once you open it and store it in a fridge.
Some vets provide the recommendation of the daily amount of food for cats based on their weight, so make sure to check with your vet for the optimal approach. As a first-time cat owner, it’s important to learn as much as possible at the beginning to avoid mistakes.
For really small kittens, like 2 months old, you may need to give them special milk at the beginning. Then the dry food for kittens, and slowly moving to the adult food (that’s how we did with Lilly). Just check the package for the details and recommendations.
Cats are carnivores and their diet should include animal protein and as less or no grains at all as possible. If your cat is a picky eater, try different brands and see what he likes more. For testing purposes, it’s better to buy a small amount of food.
Always check for allergy signs like diarrhea, vomiting or face swelling, while making any changes in the cat’s diet or environment. It is recommended to introduce one new food at a time to be able to check the cat’s reaction.
Since cats swallow their own fur while cleaning themselves, you’ll need a hairball remedy to help them with digestion. I usually add a small amount of the gel to Lilly’s wet food 1-2 times per week.
Cat Toilet
For Lilly’s toilet, we use the plastic cat litter box with the flap. I can’t stress enough how it’s convenient to have it hooded and not just an open litter box like I had in my childhood. This way all the mess (almost all) stays inside, including the smell.
I use a cat litter liner before putting the cat litter to protect the litter box. You will need to change it from time to time, once it’s all scratched and you notice a smell. I just remove the old liner, clean the litter box with the damp clothes and soap, let it dry, and put the new liner with the mix of previously used and new litter from the package.
Other tools for organizing the cat toilet are the litter scoop and a litter mat. And don’t forget about the waste bags! By the way, some natural litter is biodegradable, so you may not need waste bags in this case.
If you don’t feel like you want to spend your time cleaning after your cat every day, you can always get an automatic litter robot, where you just need to fill it in with the cat litter and line with the litter liner. You need to clean it up only after it signals there is no more space in the tray.
Even though quite expensive, that’s also a convenient type of toilet to use when you need to leave your cat at home alone for some time.
What type of litter to use?
Here are those that I’ve tried along with my feedback:
- regular cheap litter. It was fine but too dusty for me and a cat to inhale, so I’ve decided to find more healthy alternatives
- natural walnut shells litter. Loved this one – no smell, good clumping. But Lilly developed an allergy for it (swollen lips), so I had to change it. If your cat doesn’t have any reaction, that’s a good cat litter to use.
- world’s best cat litter. Really nice one, made from whole-kernel corn and smells a bit like henna, with a really good clumping. It’s also flushable, septic safe, as per description. The structure of the litter is granulated. I’ve tried a green package and was happy. Purple one, with the lavender smell, is also good.
- eco grass cat litter. Not the perfect clumping, but it’s light and doesn’t have a very strong smell of the litter. The one I use is biodegradable (check the package description to make sure).
Pet Bed
We’ve got Lilly a foldable soft bed, and she still loves to sleep on it (even if it’s a bit small for her now lol)
There is a big choice of soft and plush beds for your new cat to enjoy.
Cat Hygiene Supplies
If you get a long fur cat, you’ll need to brush him/her regularly to have less fur flying around the house, so you’ll need a special brush for that. I use the one with the soft silicone handle and metal bristles. Lilly love’s a back massage with this brush (not the tummy one, though 🙂
Another hygiene ritual to do with your cat is trimming the nails regularly with the special nail clippers for cats so your furniture or family members don’t get scratched. You need to trim only the tip of the nail, the curved area.
Don’t get too far and close to the pink area of the nail as it’ll be painful for your cat. It’s better to ask someone to show you how to do it for the first time.
I usually pick the time for this procedure when Lilly is in a sleeping mood and will not run away right away. She is not a fan of nails trimming, so we don’t do it very often, maybe once in a few weeks.
For a bath time of your new kitten, you’ll need special shampoo and a towel, and maybe a small bathtub. I’ve got an oatmeal shampoo for Lilly, and it will last me a long time (until the expiry date, actually). We don’t bath her very often as it’s stressful for the cat (and for us! :).
So maybe a few times per year or when she gets really dirty. Like after getting under the deck recently – smart Lilly found a hidden whole to get there and didn’t make a peep while we were desperately calling for her and searching the neighborhood. Oh, those cats… *eyeroll*
Another thing to consider for cat’s hygiene is brushing their teeth regularly (2-3 times per week). Special toothbrush and toothpaste are your best friends for that purpose. I know, it sounds unusual, I haven’t brushed my cats’ teeth when I was a child.
But it is a recommendation from vets in order to prevent pricey dentist visits later (same as with us people, right?). The earlier you start doing this – the easier it will be for your new cat to get used to the procedure.
There are other products to help cats fight the tooth plaque. They come in the form of the treats or chewing sticks, and usually hard to chew on.
Scratching Posts and Mats for Cats
This is a must-have for cats, as you know cats like scratching their nails, and better it to be something else than your furniture 🙂 Now there is a big variety of scratching posts, any size and structure.
I like those that come with some toys attached or cozy nooks for cats to nap. Just choose the one you like the most based on the space and budget available.
Another thing to consider is a scratching mat. I’ve caught Lilly so many times sharpening her nails on the carpet, even though she has a scratching post. If you have an expensive carpet on the floor you don’t want to have marks on, then the scratching mat could be your savior.
I know, as a first-time cat owner you will be overwhelmed with the cuteness, but you need to discipline your cat. Say a loud “NO” when they scratch furniture, or make a loud clap, so they understand. And then show them the right place for scratching nails.
It’s like disciplining a child. Well, having a cat for the first time IS like having your first child, only the furry one.
If your methods are still not very successful (every cat is different), there are few options like a scratching cover or a protective shield for your furniture.
Toys for Cats
Of course, that’s an important part of having a cat. Even when your kitten will grow into an adult cat, he/she will still love to play! Plus being active is beneficial for their health and longevity.
Cats love to play with balls, feathers, get inside the boxes or tunnels, chase after a bow or sparkly string. You can buy a set of cat toys or get them one by one.
Lilly also loves chasing us around the house, hiding and then running up and down like a crazy cat. We get a good laugh while playing with her. Cats are fun, aren’t they?
Cat Leash and Collar
We don’t have a collar for Lilly with her name tag since she usually doesn’t run away from the house. And if she gets time outside in the backyard, we use the leash to control her from getting under the deck or other areas.
If you plan to have your cat outside, you may need to use flea protection or get a flea remedy once the problem occurs. Check with your vet for the recommendations and act in your cat’s best interests.
I know, you probably feel overwhelmed as a first-time cat owner, with all those things to learn and to prepare. But it will get easier, believe me.
Here is the list of the things you need for your cat:
- pet carrier
- food bowls, non-slip food mat
- dry and wet food, silicone lids for cans, hairball remedy
- cat litter box, litter, litter liner, litter mat, scoop, and waste bags
- pet bed
- brush, nail clippers, shampoo, small bathtub, toothbrush and toothpaste, dental treats
- scratching post, scratching mat
- toys
- cat leash and collar
Click the button below for the first time cat owner printable list.
First Time Cat Owner Free Printable Checklist
Kathleen Katsman
5 years agoWonderful!
4 years ago AUTHORThanks, Kathleen. I am glad you’ve found some useful information in this post 🙂