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My New Year Resolutions

My New Year Resolutions
Sharing is CARING ♥♥♥ ↓↓↓

Last Updated on March 26, 2020 by Iryna

New Year for me is a new beginning, another chance to do things right, better than before, make some changes and perceive personal goals.

Every time, at New Year’s Eve, I would write down a list of a few resolutions for the coming year.

I would review them a year later, before the beginning of the next new year, to see if those goals were achieved. Was this strategy very productive for achieving resolutions? Hmm, I don’t think so.

I was finding that my plans would rarely come to life – no wonder! With the New Year celebration, holidays and family outings it was hard to remember about them after holidays pass. It was like making a wish and hoping it will come true.

This year I’ve decided to take a different approach for my New Year’s resolutions.

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How to Make Your New Year Resolutions Work

1) First of all, they need to be achievable.

Don’t try to create a list of your resolutions and hope for the best. You already need to have a plan and strategy set for the resolution to happen even before writing it down.

When you create a list of too high expectations every year, and every year you get upset you haven’t met them, it will not be a good motivation.

2) Revisit your list of New Year resolutions often enough to check on the progress and remind yourself about their existence.

It’s like making a long-term, one-year improvement plan for your life. You need not only to plan them but also put efforts into their realization.

3) Stick till the end, push your limits and try new horizons. You will be happy you did it! So next New Year’s Eve you’ll have room for new resolutions – your new goals and achievements.

My New Year Resolutions

This year I’ve decided to change my approach, as you’ve already read.

I’ve decided, first of all, to make them achievable and to have some plan in mind for all of them (I’ll provide more details for every resolution later).

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Secondly, I’ve decided to write about them here as a reminder and motivation.

And thirdly, I’ve decided to revisit my list of resolutions and to report about the things done, results achieved in the middle of the year.

Honestly, I’ve never done such a long list of resolutions before, but I feel lots of energy this year, I feel it will be a good and lucky one for me.

So here they are – my small plans/resolutions/goals, whatever you want them to call, for this year:


1. Receive Certificate in Digital Marketing Management

I always loved to study and learn new things. At one point I’ve decided to switch my career from Accounting to Digital Marketing.

I love working with documents, but I also love creativity and communication, and this part was mainly absent in the Accounting field.

This decision wasn’t made at one day, but after a few trials of various classes at college. It took some time for me to figure out where I want to move in my career, and I am happy I finally found this niche.

It’s challenging and fast-changing, but with lots of space for creativity and experiments.

I am currently at the final stage of my studying for the certificate, already enrolled in the last class and can’t wait to start learning more interesting stuff!


2. Receive Google AdWords Certificate

This New Year resolution also relates to my career plans. I’ve already started watching videos and familiarizing myself with Google AdWords.

There is enough material online to prepare for the 3 hours exam, and you need to pass 2 exams successfully to receive the certificate. Having such a certificate on your resume is a huge benefit for Digital Marketing Specialist.


3. Learn to Play Flute

I’ve finished musical school in piano more than 20 years ago back home. I don’t think I can play something now without using notes as I haven’t practiced for so many years, but at least I still remember how to read them.

The sound of the flute was always attractive to me. This year I’ve decided to add learning how to play the flute to my new year resolutions. The goal is to have a flute class at the same time as my daughter learns how to play the piano.

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4. Learn Chinese

Please don’t ask me why Chinese Mandarin, why not another more simple language – I don’t have an answer to this question. I think this resolution was created on a subconscious level, it can’t be explained logically.

First, I was thinking about learning Spanish, as we often travel to the Caribbean where Spanish is the main language. But Spanish seems very easy for me.

I wanted my brain to engage those unused neurons and to steam to develop new connections.

Oh yes, learning Chinese is an excellent exercise for your brain! With 4 tones, unusual for me, European person, pronunciation, and sounds, it’s not an easy task.

As for now, I am watching numerous YouTube videos with Chinese lessons. I already know how to say “Hello, how are you?”, “Goodbye”, “Thank you”.

I hope native Chinese speaking people will understand me – I plan to practice one day.

Thankfully, Canada has a big diversity, you can hear and practice lots of languages. After I get some knowledge through YouTube videos, I may enroll in Skype or other online classes.


5. Enroll in Pole Dancing Classes

I’ve tried pole dancing once and was attracted by the possibility to use your body’s strength to do some twirling around the pole.

That’s a great workout, and I would love my body to get more tone. So that’s the plan – enroll in the classes and embrace a new workout routine!


6. Run Another 1oK

I’ve already done 5K and twice 10K during previous years. The reason for me for signing up for the race now, the same as before, is to get motivated to run and to stay active.

Once my daughter, who was 5 at that time, joined me during the race, ran 1K and was proud to receive her first medal. I could say I was a positive role model for my child, and I would like to continue this way.

Besides, you don’t need a lot to run – good running shoes, GPS watch to track your progress and pace during training and at the race.

I love challenges. It’s fascinating what we are able to do and how far we can go.

Also, a race is usually a fun event for the whole family, where your family members can take pictures, make videos, cheer with a placard (or without) and participate in other activities.

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It motivates others to embrace new challenges and set higher goals.

7. Give Back – Volunteer

When we first came to Canada, we’ve enrolled in the help centers for new immigrants, and one of those centers was a food bank at a local church.

Once a week we would receive some produce, hot soup with sandwiches, tea or coffee, warm conversation with one of the old ladies who worked there, words of encouragement and support.

We didn’t go there for a long time as we were lucky enough to find jobs after a couple of months of the arrival, but it was important to receive such support and to know that some people cared about you.

It’s not that easy to adjust to the new environment right away, find jobs, financial stability with limited funds brought from back home. The emotional and financial support we received at the very beginning was very important for us and will stick in our memory for a long time…

They even gave us warm gloves for the upcoming winter, very good quality, that we still have after almost 10 years.

This year I would like to give back and to include volunteering in my new year resolutions. I plan to contact local food banks and ask if they need help with anything, I hope they do.

It’ll be a great tradition to have this resolution every year. There are so many people that need encouragement and support, that need to feel they’ve been cared about…


8. Get Braces Done

Yes, I think even after 30+ it makes sense to get your braces done.

It was my dream for more than 10 years for sure, but there was not much of an opportunity to do so.  I was getting to this point very slowly, but hopefully this year I’ll get this dream come true.

Do you create a list of resolutions every year? What interesting resolutions you’ve got for this year? Feel free to share in the comments. It can be a good source of ideas and motivation for others.

Sharing is CARING ♥♥♥ ↓↓↓


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  • Mayya

    Very interesting resolutions! I noticed that the most important with resolutions is to do something for them, even if you can’t achieve them completely, regular exercises will still help you make a lot of progress!

    Good luck for your resolutions!!

    • Iryna

      Thank you, Mayya! Yes, I agree with you – consistency is the key to get to the final goal, even if it`s just small steps. Check back here at the beginning of July for my report on progress. I already have some achievements I can`t wait to share! 🙂

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