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Result of Resolutions 2017

Result of Resolutions 2017
Sharing is CARING ♥♥♥ ↓↓↓

Last Updated on April 8, 2020 by Iryna

Another year flew by like one day. Time to summarize the result of the 2017 resolutions and to analyze the right and wrong steps taken.

I should admit that posting my resolutions publicly was a great help to keep track on them and to remind myself of their existence. So, let’s review my resolutions and see if I was able to get all of them done as planned.

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1. Receive Certificate in Digital Marketing Management

That was probably the easiest task for me, as I was only one class short of my certificate.

I took online SEM (Search Engine Marketing) class in Spring and finished it successfully, with the highest marks from all 3 classes I had to take for this certificate.

My teacher was amazing – very well organized, knowledgeable and helpful. Even though it was an online class, we had webinar once a week with various videos and instructions for assignments. We also had a list of links for additional reading.

The class was very informative and engaging, I’ve enjoyed it a lot.

2. Receive Google AdWords Certificate

Unfortunately, this resolution was not prioritized by me this year.

I’ve got a full-time job at the beginning of the year, where this knowledge was not mainly demanded. And also Google AdWords certificate requires a lot of time commitment and self-studying.

I still think that’s a good idea to obtain it, even if I am not going to use it at my current job. So I’ve decided to work on this resolution next year.

3. Learn to Play Flute

Yes, I did it! I’ve found a music school where my daughter started taking piano classes, and I had my flute classes at the same time.

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It was hard! I thought I would faint at the end of the class after all that blowing… But it got better every time with the practice at home.

After approximately 4 months of my classes, there was a concert in the musical school, and I’ve agreed to participate. I’ve prepared one short song, learned notes by heart.

Even though it was a small event just for the parents and relatives of the students, I was very nervous, and only started to play my piece from the 3rd attempt.

Mind you, I was the only one crazy person who was playing the flute. Kids were mostly playing piano and guitar… Overall, I think it was not that bad for the beginner…

4. Learn Chinese

This resolution started strong, but my excitement disappeared later on. So no significant result was achieved.

I can say “Hello, how are you?”, “Thank you”, “Bye”, “I want to go to that hotel, this restaurant” phrases, but nothing too complicated.

I’ve started with Youtube videos and got some great books from my relatives on learning Mandarin, but after some time I’ve realized I don’t have enough self-discipline to continue that way.

I need a teacher who would guide me, correct and encourage. My next step is to find such a teacher for bi-weekly online lessons to continue this amazing journey of learning.

Besides, I’ve reconnected with very nice friends who speak Mandarin and are willing to listen to my clumsy pronunciation for the purpose of practicing (which I am very thankful for!).

I hope I’ll be able to say something smart in Mandarin at the end of the 2018 year (wish me luck! 🙂

5. Enroll in Pole Dancing Classes

Hehe, I did try pole dance classes. I’ve even bought a pass for a few classes, but haven’t used it in full.

I loved the workout for hands, it was great. But the part of the class where you need to sway your hips and whip your hair didn’t really resonate with me. I know that’s the part of the class to increase your sexuality, but it didn’t look that attractive to me.

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When I go to my Zumba class, I have no problem swaying my hips, but it’s different, it’s dancing, you can clearly see the purpose of this. No offense here, but pole dancing is not my thing, apparently.

6. Run Another 1oK

Too bad I was not able to do any race this year… I’ve developed knee pain at some point. Even though I still had short runs through the pain on a regular basis, it got worse to the point I was limping after the workout one day.

It took me a long time to recover, with chiropractor and massage sessions, so I am not sure I’ll be able to make long-distance running in the nearest future. 

7. Give Back – Volunteer

Turned out this is a bit more complicated than I thought…

In order to volunteer at a food bank in Canada, you need to apply for the volunteering position, undergo a selection process, similar to hiring. And you are expected to volunteer consistently a few hours per week.

I was thinking to spend maybe one hour here and there, occasionally. But my offer of services didn’t spark huge interest in the places I’ve applied.

For now, I am volunteering at my daughter’s school for pizza days. It’s 15-20 minutes a week, but at least some community help.

8. Get Braces Done

I was very slowly approaching this goal for so many years, and finally, I’ve got the braces on!

I was told by my dentist that would be the best decision ever, and I agree with that. Even though some days I may have discomfort or swelling after adjustment, I enjoy every visit to my orthodontist, as I see the progress every time.

If you are contemplating having the braces done as an adult, I advise going ahead. 14 months (in my case) will pass very quickly, and you will enjoy your smile for so many more years.

So, as to summarize the result of my resolutions, 5 out of 8 were reached to some degree. As I have an accounting background, I like to play with numbers… 63% of resolutions were achieved.

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Not bad, but there is always room for improvement. Maybe I should have fewer resolutions planned to get a higher percentage of achievements?

I’ve already decided what New Year resolutions I want to reach in 2018. Did you make your list? How did you do for your 2017 resolutions? I hope you’ve got a better percentage than me. Please, don’t be shy to share!

Have a wonderful 2018 year full of dreams come true!

Sharing is CARING ♥♥♥ ↓↓↓


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